Monday 16 July 2012

On the floor

Here's a photo of Hilda (seen here) from a different angle...
I put the vintage wallpaper flat on the floor.
Then used pegs underneath some of the items, 
including Hilda to angle them forward slightly.

The curtain is a vintage curtain from the op shop.
The retro fridge did have some milk bottle sweeties in, given to me for Christmas!
The table legs are some old knitting needles.
And Hilda's skirt has some fabric stuffed under it to hold it up, giving some volume for the photo.

Its the first time I've taken a photo like this -
I normally stand the dolls up, balancing against something!


Wombat's Picnic said...

My littlest saw a picture of Hilda and has now requested I make glasses for her doll Miss Polly. Quite the trend setter that Hilda:) Cyndy

mel @ loved handmade said...

Just so clever!

Brenda @ 13 Acres said...

it looks awesome!! very clever prop work xx

Paravent said...

That's a great idea - it looks so effective.
*sigh* still loving Ms Hilda :) Kx

emerson-j said...

love it!!

teddybearswednesday said...

aren't you clever! i would never have known, thanks for sharing your secret! xo

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