Monday 30 January 2012

My Place and Yours :: Green

Getting back in the swing of things, after not being well last week.
Joining in with Vic for My Place and Yours - the theme this week is Green!

Happy in a green frame!

A rotisserie that shockingly hasn't been taken out of its box yet!

Vaccumed graded green rug.
I'm always finding bits of this rug everywhere,
as the girls roll around on it all the time,
wrestling, pretending to swim and playing 'dead dinosaurs'!?

In the laundry - swim bag and wool rugs waiting to be washed.

Make up bag.

And a green fish waiting his turn to jump in the bath!

Join in My Place and Yours over at Vic's!x


Wombat's Picnic said...

Lots of little splashes of green - that little fish is looking like he's ready to take the plunge:)Cyndy

Glennie said...

Love that fish! Hope you're betetr honey. x

Jackie said...

Lovely green things at your home especially the make up bag. Cute fish.

Kelly @ Polkadot Lane said...

Oooh, love your make up bag - very funky!

Vic said...

Nice green bits at your place! My wool blankets are eternally waiting to be washed too. ;)

Thanks for playing this week Jen. xx

Kylie said...

These are great! Loving he sound of 'dead dinosaurs' :) I should join in this week as my endeavours are all about green this week ;) Hope you're feeling better now Jennie. Kx

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