Friday 5 August 2011

Get yourself a Hottie before they all go!!

Cam's Hottie Challenge to raise funds for the Margaret Pratt Foundation
was fantastically successfull. The hotties were exhibited at the Open Drawer Studio in Melbourne.

Now that the exhibition has ended, there are still a few hotties available for $25 each (plus postage).Go and have a look, there are some beautiful creations made by some really talented people.
Your money goes to support research into heart and lung transplants.
Thank you Cam for organizing our group effort for this excellent fundraiser.
You are amazing!XX

(You can see all the entries in the flickr group here.)


CurlyPops said...

Thankyou so much for your wonderful support Jennie!

Kate said...

What an amazing challenge that hottie one was. Some of the most gorgeous artworks I have ever seen and so much money for a fabulous cause. yay!
have a fab weekend Jennie. x

Catherine said...

Your hottie was definitely one of my favourite favourites, and I'm glad I got to see it in real life! happy weekend xo

Kylie said...

Great idea. I'm glad it was successful :) Kx

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

the standard was so high too- yours included!

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