Monday 6 June 2011

a little giveaway...

So, you might know that I got a Pfaff sewing machine recently.
Well - there was a little free-be that came along with it!
(but very weirdly, its not sewing related)

Its a speaker system with a docking station for an iPod or iPhone.
It comes with a remote control and AC adaptor.
And measures 25cm x 12cm.

As I don't have an iPhone, I want to give this away!!
If you would like to win this (and live in Australia), just leave a comment by Monday 13 June. 10pm(EST) And i'll draw a winner the next day.

Here it is with my phone pretending to be an iPhone!

Thats it - sorry its not a creating related giveaway!xx
(note: this is not endorsed by Pfaff )


CurlyPops said...

OMG OMG OMG that's exactly what I'm looking for to use with my iPod.
I'm strangely fascinated about why on earth it came with the sewing machine. How funny!
I'm alos impressed that it's nice and colourful. Yah fingers and toes crossed.
Thanks Jennie.
OK I'll stop blubbering now.

willywagtail said...

Well! I must say that is entirely a Curly Pops colour. However, i won't hold it against winning it either. Thankyou. Cherrie

Selina said...

Yay the pfaff! I'm so glad you chose her! (not sure how I missed the post where she was revealed, but anyway!) My daughter actually asked me last night for one of these for her birthday, fingers crossed you can provide one for her! said...

Unlike everyone else I didn't realize how much I wanted one until right now!!!
Generous giveaway Jennie!

Agunesu said...

Wow it's small and portable! Unlike those big bulky speakers I have for my iPod! And it's in my favourite color too! Hope to win this one. Agnes :)

bec said...

Wish I could delete the last 5 comments- I need it! For the little sewing room, then it will be sewing related after all. And I love the colour. *sigh*. Please?

Brianna said...

Yay, I could use that when I'm at the sewing machine listening to audio books! Imagine how stylish I could look then.

Lola Nova said...

My, what a lovely giveaway! I'm not entering 1. No iphone thinger 2. I'm in the US.

Just wanted to pop by and say how great all of your latest makes are!

Unknown said...

Hi Jennie, I would love to win it! And I too would put it in my sewing room - I mean sewing area :)

Dolores said...

Thanks for the generous give away. Just what we need - and it's my favourite colour!!


Dolores said...

Not sure if my entry was posted.

Thanks for the give away. This is just what I need and it's my favourite colour. I have an old iPod, no iPhone yet, I'm so uncool!! :-)


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