Thursday 28 April 2011

MCS - Colour

School is back today for our two, so theres been some clearing up and sorting out going on here.

I took a break from the new softie making on the weekend

to start another blanket. Having two children - they neeeeed to have one each!

I think I've underestimated how much wool it takes to make one of these! Just making it up as I go along with the colour. There's sOOOOOO much more going on over at Kirsty's clever place today!xx


Wendy said...

All that stripy goodness...lucky kids!

Kylie said...

It looks gorgeous Jennie! I always underestimate these things and I always wish I had an oppy nearby with loads of yarn... these $300 blankets are sending me broke! ;) Have fun with yours. Kx

teddybearswednesday said...

Loving your make up as you run out of colour stripes.
what lucky girls ! xo

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