Tuesday 5 November 2013

Finally fixed

It was a while ago that I found this vintage beauty in an op shop.

She has been sitting in the garage for far too long,
after all our numerous house moves..

Last week I had my Pfaff machine serviced 
and decided to take this girl in when I picked the other one up!

There were a few things that needed fixing, and were missing -
like the drive belt, tension etc as it hadn't been used for a very very long time.
The one thing they couldn't fix was the light.

But what had stumped them was my request to be able to do free motion sewing on it.
They couldn't find a foot to suit, but eventually they found a Pfaff (!) foot 
that they bent to fit.. not that you could tell to look at it. 
You can't drop the feed dogs, so it is set at 0 stitch length and works fine!

And you wouldn't believe it, but it cost less to fix this vintage beauty
than it cost to service my 2 year old Pfaff! Amazing.
I can't believe I didn't get her seen to sooner, 
I still have to be careful though. I was warned not to go too fast or too slow
with the free motion business. But I think she has a lot of use left in her.
She is so heavy - surprisingly so. Which is why I bought her in the first place.


Leonie said...

Absolutely gorgeous Jennie!!! I can't wait to see what gorgeousness you make on her!

Zara said...

Such a beautiful sewing machine. She looks right at home on your sewing table. x

Christina Lowry said...

She is a beauty indeed! Oh, imagine if she could talk? Enjoy playing with your new toy. :)

melania said...

Oh wow, I love hearing about old, beautiful, heavy machines that are still able to perform. Just gorgeous.

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