Tuesday 11 May 2010

Sibling Differences...

Is it the age difference? (5 years!)

Or is it a personality difference?
Probably both!

Whatever it is, it seems to have come out in these photos!


BOB & MABEL said...

They may be different but they are both gorgeous!

Jessi said...

so beautiful! Do you have Irish blood in you Jennie? They look SO Irish and so gorgeous too! These photos remind me of pics of me and my big sister.. the little sister is always the C R A Z Y one! x

Beck said...

I've heard someone say once that when you have two children you can tend to see them as opposites when in fact they have more similarities than you think. Having four kids close together (all within six years) and one who is seven years older than number two all I can tell you is that they are ALL different and all have traits in common. Your two look so lovely, I bet they are alot of fun & bring you lots of joy xo

Kylie said...

Yep, they are born with their own distinct personalities, aren't they? My two girls are just like yours. My Big Girl is so calm and responsible, caring and reliable and my Little One is daring and darling, frightening and fun :) Life is anything but boring! Have fun with your treasures. Kx

Heidi said...

You can isn't that funny In my own kids, in pictures for sure! I love your dolls they are so fun and have such personalities!

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