What a nice surprise to come home from the market today, to a Sunshine Blog Award!
Thank you to the lovely Sarah of Cotton Kiwi , Sarah of Songbird Designs and Megan of Simple Pleasures for this very uplifting award!
I am going to pass this on to the following people for their inspiring words and beautiful creations!
When you receive this award, you need to:
1. Send a thank you to who gave it to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Pass it along to 12 other people who brighten your day!
(some of these people have already received the award before, but thats okay!)
Thank you sooo much! I really feel lucky to have this great network of talented & inspiring people to converse with each day. I love your creations & thoroughly enjoy your posts & comments on mine...sincerely, thankyou.
thank - you!!!!!
Thank you so much for the award! Sorry I haven't done the post in return yet, my memory is terrible at the moment! Catch up soon xx
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